Starting JupyterLab

The edgyr-ml image inherits JupyterLab1 from the NVIDIA l4t-ml image.2 As a result, all that necessary to use JupyterLab is to add the Julia and R kernels a script to start up the service. The IJulia package3 provides the Julia kernel and the IRkernel package4 provides the R kernel. The startup script is /home/edgyr/Scripts/start-jupyter-lab.

  1. Browse to the RStudio Server either from the host console or remotely and open the ‘Terminal’ pane.
  2. Type Scripts/start-jupyter-lab. You’ll see

If you’re on the Nano console, you just need to copy and paste the http link into a browser tab and you’ll be in the JupyterLab front page. If you’re connected remotely, copy the http://edgyr link, but replace edgyr with the IP address of your Docker host. For example, mine is

To stop the JupyterLab server, press Control-C twice as shown above. As with RStudio Server and R packages, I strongly recommend putting your notebooks in projects in the Projects directory and collaborating via Git / GitHub.


“JupyterLab Documentation.” 2020.

Kluyver, Thomas, Philipp Angerer, Jan Schulz, and Karthik Ram. 2019. IRkernel: Native R Kernel for the ’Jupyter Notebook’.

“Machine Learning for Jetson/L4t.” 2019.

  1. (“JupyterLab Documentation” 2020)↩︎

  2. (“Machine Learning for Jetson/L4t” 2019)↩︎

  3. ijulia2020↩︎

  4. Kluyver et al. (2019)↩︎